Design and implementation of a web based hall allocation system for examination.
Presently in today’s institution, there is a geometric rise in the number ofstudents admitted with a ration in the number for each department and level ofstudy This variation in the number of students has posed a problem in allocatinghalls into consideration for student Based on this, there is so much need for asystem that would alleviate such problem.The project work “Design and implementation of a web based hall allocationsystem for examination” tends to allocate halls for examination by taking intoconsideration the availability of space to match the number of students in eachdepartment for each level. Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology(SSADM) were adopted in the analysis. A web based hall allocation system forexamination was developed using PHP, MySQL, HTML and MySQL for thedatabase. Design and implementation of a web based hall allocation system forexamination provides a more suitable and proper allocation of halls forexamination.
5 chapters